Augmented Reality Safety Education

The future of engaging safety education for children.

Using the power of augmented reality, Arility brings safety lessons to life with 360 degree visuals and sound effects!

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An AR app designed for the classroom, home and experiential learning centres

Students interact directly with AR characters in risky situations identifying safer choices at their own pace. Use the real-time dashboard to manage the class as a whole or in small groups and get a report card based on curriculum outcomes.

Linked to the curriculum

Safety activities directly address Australian and UK curriculum outcomes. Comprehensive pre, post and extension questions let you easily assess changes in student knowledge using Arility's detailed individual reporting.

No special equipment needed

Arility runs on your existing Apple and Android tablets and doesn't require an internet connection once downloaded although it is required for pictures and reporting to be shared.

Easy to teach with

The student iPad experience is supervised by the teacher in real time, resulting in an interactive whole of class experience where you are in control.

Works for all group sizes

Can be used by students individually, in pairs, small groups, or whole of class - even multiple classes simultaneously!

Arility Content Partners

How Arility Works

The Arility app allows students to directly see and experience risks, and benefit from learning through an immersive AR environment.

Step 1: Get ready

Arility is easy to use and doesn't require any special setup. Simply install the app, print out the supplied AR marker and you are ready to go.

Install the app

The Arility app is free to install from apple or play store. Simply download it once onto your class iPads and you’re good to go.

Create a class (optional)

You login as the teacher and choose the safety activity you wish to deliver. Students join your group on their own iPads.

Print out the Arility AR marker

The Arility AR markers can be printed on a sheet of ordinary A3 paper. Place these on desks or the floor and you are ready to start your AR class!

Step 2 - Run the AR experience

Students will watch as AR characters and scenes come to life in your classroom. Activity include multiple choice questions and the opportunity to control AR characters and make decisions which affect the outcomes.

Start the Activity!

Once all your students have joined your Activity ask them to point their iPads at the AR marker and touch the Start button. Use the Arility intro animation to ensure all the students are ready.

Activity questions

Students will be asked several multiple choice questiona to asses their knowledge and attitude before, during and after the learning experience.

Scenario choices

As part of the scenario students are asked to make decisions that affect the narrative. They can see what can happen if they make the wrong decision in the safety of a virtual environment.

Step 3 - Reporting

At the end of your session a detailed student report is emailed to you.

Take a class photo (Optional)

At the end of the lesson your students can have a class photo taken with the AR characters and props. This step is optional and if you do it the photograph is emailed directly to you. We don't store class photos on our servers to protect the privacy of your students.

Receive a student report

After the session lesson you will receive a complete report of student outcomes. This report details all the lessons played during the session and marks each student answer.

Access more lesson packs

Many of our lesson packs are sponsored by content partners like the Road Safety Commision. These packs are free for the schools they choose to download and use. We have more lesson packs in production.